
Thought I'd write a little something by means of introducing this page. For more info on me, check out the 'About' tab, I'm just going to outline quickly what I want this page to be. First and foremost, it's an opportunity for me to share some of my views (good or otherwise) on music, new and old. In the following months, hopefully I'll be posting some short reviews on recently released music, and I'll be looking to throw in some reviews of the classics too on occasion. Seeing as my field of study is history, I'd quite like to spend some time looking into the cultural contexts of some albums or musicians and writing something on the history of the music too. On top of that, I hope to be able to put up some discussions into the musicology of some works, taking an in-depth look at some of the more technical aspects and theory stuff behind the music. With any luck, I'll get the opportunity to write fairly frequently on all of these different things, and try and add a new perspective, because I know there'll be a lot written on all of this already.
Until next time then,
